

Outsourcing Services

For an Effective Connection Customer Support

Batnoc cares about the needs of their customers and looks for adapting the new reality. Because sometimes is difficult to increase internal resources and fulfill departments’ needs. So we launched a new product – measure solutions which offer outsourcing of administrative, human and financial resources that supported management departments. Monthly delivery balance sheets and statement of results that reflect the company’s financial situation to customer support management.

Credit Control

Present a correct system of management of customer accounts;
Means of payment, billing methods, risk indicators and available collateral;
Making sales with security in the collection.

Issue Billing

Issuing coupons credit billing later on a case or series, for billing cycles (fortnightly, semiannual, etc..).

Payment and receipt

Organization in accordance with the principle of accrual accounting, and the records made as they are generated, regardless of the time of payment or receipt.

Mail Management

Management to send mails, emails received, internal mail, signature books etc.


Identifying components of financial planning with use of a budget system, understood as a plan covering annual operations of a business by formalizing the performance of these general administrative functions.

Business Plans

Test the feasibility of a business concept;
Guide the development of operations and strategy;
Attract financial resources.
Convey credibility
Develop a management team

About Us

Contab was founded on January 26, 1986, from the beginning develops their technical work with professionalism and technical competence.

Today Batnoc – Serviços de Contabilidade Unipessoal, Lda., (official name), is increasingly betting on success and good relationship and satisfaction of their customers, making them business partners.

+ 0
Happy Customers

WE WORK WITH OVER 100 COMPANIES with several lines of business such as manufacturing, Hospitality, Agriculture, Services and many others.

You can count on collaboration of 8 professionals in Accounting, Human Resources and Advocacy, to ensure you a service with excellence and professional rigor.

Speak with US

Tel.: +351 211 524 688
(Call to national fixed network)
Tel.: +351 919 207 488 
(Call to national mobile network)
Fax: +351 210 127 693
(Call to national fixed network)
Adress: Lg. dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, 20/20A
2860-416 Moita